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I Drank Poetry - Ars Poetica

by Tyreke Armstrong
(Linstead, Jamaica)

I Drank Poetry - Ars Poetica | Jamaican Poem

I drank poetry,
It intoxicated me.
It flew straight from the winepresses of the mind,
Strong, lush and sweet.

I drank poetry,
Undiluted by reality,
Unchased by logic,
Untainted by sensibility,
Fermented by emotion.

I drank poetry,
Savoring every dreamy drop.
I reveled in the heady taste of euphoria,
Mixed with the divine liquor of imagination.
So arrest me for drunkenness,
Lock me up for intoxication,
Restrain me with the shackles of responsibility,
Place me behind the bars of good sense.
You shall never tame my thirst.

I drank poetry,
I felt giddy, pure . . . free.
I drank poetry,
It intoxicated me.

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Aug 14, 2019
I Drank Poetry - Ars Poetica
by: Anonymous

This poem is awesome. I particularly admire the way Tyreke use words that creates ambiguity whilst sharing the ambience of the poem with readers. I was deeply drawn into the language used to execute this poem.

Sandra Martin Orignally from Linstead! We are doing it! Keep writing and rising Tyreke!

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