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by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer
Soups are a must-have for us Jamaicans, especially on Saturdays, but it is quite common throughout the week. It’s an all-around dish too. We have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner plus with so many flavours and variations, to choose from, we can never truly get bored. We have introduced you to our more common soups like red peas soup and pumpkin soup before but now it’s time to mix things up a bit with this not-so-popular one, Janga Soup also called Crayfish Soup.
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Janga is the Jamaican name for a small freshwater crustacean related to lobster that is also known as crawfish or crayfish. You could certainly substitute shrimp for the Janga in this dish, but Janga has far more flavour and stays juicy even after cooking for a long time. Janga is a hit-or-miss for most people. Growing up in the country I would normally see the boys coming back from the river with plenty of it. I found them very appealing to look at and only ever tried the soup once, a couple of months ago.
The meat and bricks of crayfish are delicious and fatty, unlike other seafood. Because their meat is sweet, fatty, and high in protein, crayfish have a very high nutritional value even though they only make up 15% of the weight of shrimp. While shrimp shells are sturdy, they are not as hard or resilient as sea crab shells, and they easily break off while boiling or steaming.
Like other seafood, crayfish is a great source of low-fat protein and essential vitamins and minerals. One kilogram of crayfish has 14g of protein, 70 calories, 115 mg of cholesterol, and other elements like vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and carbohydrates. By supplying additional nutrients, eating crayfish benefits the health of your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and neurological system. Additionally, the high phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc content of crayfish meat promotes neurological function and helps to fortify muscles and bones.
Janga or Crayfish can be prepared in several ways, including as a curry dish, but most popularly it is used to make soup. With its rich broth, tender vegetables, and succulent crayfish, this dish is a must-try if you are a seafood lover. Here’s a simple recipe to try at home.
Since I have had this soup before, I can guarantee you that this one is a must-try, whether or not you are a seafood connoisseur.
So, the next time you're craving a taste of Jamaica, why not try your hand at preparing this authentic Janga Soup? It’s simple, hearty and full of flavour. The perfect comfort dish.
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