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2024 Highest Ranking High Schools In Jamaica 

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highest_ranking_high_schools_in_jamaica_2024The highest ranking high schools in Jamaica for 2024

Posted By Venesha Johnson | Reviewed By Wellesley Gayle

It’s that time of year again! School is almost out and thanks to Mr. Darby and the team at Educate Jamaica, so is the ranking for the top high schools in Jamaica for 2024!

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Now this list is a bit different from the previous ones. This is the top 10 high schools in Jamaica - the creme de la creme, if I must say so myself!

👆But what makes this ranking special is the criteria.

Unlike previous rankings where schools were measured based on the overall percentage of grade 11 students passing five or more subjects, this SPECIAL REPORT marks a historic first in Jamaican school ranking! This time, the percentage is based on passes in eight (8) O level subjects instead of just five (5)!

Yes, I said 8 subjects!😮

But don't worry! If your school isn't on this list, you might very well see it in the next ranking, releasing soon that shows the full list of schools with five or more passes.

But first, we have a little ritual, we'll share the previous rankings first (see below)😊

Previous High School Rankings👇🏿

As usual, to ensure consistency, transparency and trends, we continue to show the previous rankings, in descending order for your reference, and so here they are.

And now, without further adieu, let's get to the ranking!💃, the...


Key Points👆

Claiming first place (this time around) is Campion College with 95%, but right on their heels is the esteemed Immaculate Conception High  with 94.69%.

I feel like these two are always battling it out for the first place but my excited to see how they will place in the next (5 or more) upcoming ranking.

Next, we have Hampton School with 88.82%, followed by the Montego Bay High School for Girls with 83.8%. 

You'll also note that St. Andrew High School for Girls and Wolmer’s Girls School placed 5th and 6th respectively this time. Regardless of the metric, these two schools seem to be following a trend of trailing behind each other, as both were placed 3rd and 4th in the previous (2023) ranking.

In 7th place, we have Glenmuir High School with a score of 74.8%. Wolmer's Boys came in at eight (8th) behind them.

And bear with me on this one please😊, as I'm gonna say that the biggest of shout-outs though goes to my alma mater, Mount Alvernia High School for making this cherry list, placing them at #9 with a score of 61.37%💃.

And rounding off this prestigious list is 'the' Holy Childhood High, with 57.19%

But we'll not say much here yet, as remember, we are not comparing apples to apples. Remember again that this report is based on eight (8) or more subjects, not five (5)!

But take nothing away from any of them here my friend, this cherry list, regardless of how we look at it, represents the best of the best in the island!

(If you are interested in seeing a detailed breakdown of the 2023 ranking for comparison, you can find it here)

But what have I noticed? What jumped out at me this time?

Here's My Take👇

The All-Girls Schools are dominating again

As with the previous 2023 ranking, the all-girls schools dominate this list. Of the ten (10) schools on the list, seven (7), almost three quarters of them were all-girls schools!

What can I say other than girls rule!

And from this, we can also glean the top 5 girls' schools in Jamaica right now, they are...

  1. Immaculate Conception High
  2. Hampton School
  3. Montego Bay High School for Girls
  4. St. Andrew High School for Girls &
  5. Wolmer’s Girls School

But Hampton is worth taking note here.

On to the boys…

Only one all-boys school made the cut for this ranking, and that is the highly esteemed Wolmer’s Boy School. What do you make of that?🤔

The co-eds

Campion College and Glenmuir High School were the only co-educational schools on the list but I'm not surprised, I have come to expect nothing but greatness from both these noble institutions.

Overall I am just proud of all the students who went out, sat their exams and earned the passes required to place their schools in such an esteemed position. By the sound of things, this year’s sitting of the CXC exams was no walk in the park.

Of course we have to shoutout the teachers as well, because they really showed up and showed out for our children.

Remember to stay tuned for the upcoming report (five or more subjects), will it reflect these standings?

Your guess is as good as mine🤔

Which school are you rooting for though?
Did they make this list of the creme de la creme? I'd love to hear from you. 👉🏿Share with us here.

nd please, subscribe here, if not yet done. That way you are notified as soon as the subsequent ranking reports are published.

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References & Sources For Highest Ranking High Schools In Jamaica

  1. New! 2023 Ranking Of High Schools In Jamaica. (n.d.).
  2. High Performance Index 2024. (n.d.). In Educate Jamaica.
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