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 Jamaican Herbal Wisdom Quiz
(With Results)

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The Jamaica Herbal Wisdom Quiz

  1. What is the traditional use of Jamaican Guinea Hen Weed?

    Pain & Fever reducer
    Cooking spice
    Good luck charm

  2. Which Jamaican fruit is known for reducing stress and anxiety and strengthening the immune system?

    June Plum

  3. Which herb is often used in Jamaican households mainly to treat colds and respiratory issues?

    Leaf Of Life
    Ackee Leaf
    Aloe Vera

  4. Which Jamaican herb is believed to have calming and memory properties?

    Passion Flower

  5. Which plants alleviate the discomfort of insect bites and stings? It also helps to reduce itching and swelling.

    Breadfruit Leaf
    Mamey Apple
    Aloe Vera

  6. Which herb/ plant is known as the Shoe Black?


  7. Which herb is famously known as the "Jamaican Viagra"?

    Lemon Grass

Ok, great!  Now for the answers? ... scroll down to here


    1- Pain & Fever reducer
    2- Soursop
    3- Leaf Of Life
    4- Rosemary
    5- Aloe Vera
    6- Hibiscus
    7- Damiana (aka Ram Goat National)

Now, how did you do?๐Ÿ˜Š
How many did you get correct without looking at the answer? 

Be honest with me :-)

Never mind, it was all just for fun, but you'd learned a thing or two as well, right?
Of course๐Ÿค—.

By the way, we've answered hundreds of questions about Jamaica, visit this page to learn even more about this our beautiful island Jamaica.

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