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Happy New Year 2023

happy new year 2023It's 2023! Can you believe it?

OMG. Where has 2022 gone? And may I even add, 2021 and 2020?

It seems like the pandemic stole those three years!

But you know, if you are able to read, and resonate with this, you (and I) have oh so much to be thankful for🙏🏽

First for life. We are still very much here, which means the Creator is not done with us as yet, despite what might have come our way.

And secondly, for health, whatever measure HE gave to us, and thirdly for inner peace.

The others, if you ask me are bonuses! Jobs/businesses, family, education, accomplishments, etc., and even the object lessons.

The one word that encapsulates all these, for me, is gratitude.

Despite the challenges that came, and they did, God has been good to me and I was able to extend his goodness to so many other persons.
It is truly a blessing.

A part of the bountiful blessings in 2022, was the people that came into my life, particularly through the my-island-jamaica brand.

In addition to persons, like you who continue to engage with, and share my content (on the website and youtube), I've connected with a host of amazing persons, some of whom I was able to interview or partner with during the year.

But to you, I say a rousing THANK YOU for your continued love and support, in whatever form it came - your patron-age, your readership, your viewership, your comments, your sharing, your feedback, whatever!

So on behalf of my family and the My-Island-Jamaica team, I again say, Thank You and Happy New Year!

Here's to a 2023 of everything good! May it be your best year yet!

God Bless You!

P.S. I welcome your comments here.

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Jan 04, 2023
by: Anonymous

Hi Wellesley
Thank you so much for keeping me updated to what's new, what you've discovered and news and updates in general. Your editorials for the most part have been interesting and and factual and dear I say somewhat educational. I say for the most part 99.999% of the time and of course the odd and very boring one.(lol☺️) So thank you, thank you and thank you again. May you continue to be blessed to be able to pass on your knowledgeable finds on your escapades.. here's to a and Happy Seasons Greeting and a Happy New Year..

Christine Strachan

Jan 02, 2023
Great job, Wellesley
by: Yvonne

Thank you for the very interesting and important information that you share. I have learned so much from the videos about herbs, their uses, and their benefits. Keep it coming, great job!

Jan 02, 2023
Great job, Wellesley
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the very interesting and important information that you share. I have learned so much from the videos about herbs, their uses, and their benefits. Keep it coming, great job!

Jan 01, 2023
Best wishes for 2023
by: Novlett Stephen

Oh Wow!

You have explained it so well, I wish to you, your family and the "My Island Jamaica" team the very best that 2023 has to offer and every blessings of God that comes with it. You have absolutely done a very good job of showing us the crevices and corners of Jamaica by going into the nooks and crannies so that we can not only enjoy it but also learn from it. Cudos to you, Sir.
Love and happy regards to you, always

Jan 01, 2023
by: alice o

Hi Wellesley its alice here to truely Thank You. For being such a warm and personal information of all things Jamaican. I look forward to each sun email you send. Ive been reading (not ALL i confess!) and appreciating this for well over 10 yrs! Big ups and again Thanks to you. Keep up the great work. aliceo from Sacramento CA USA. :)

Jan 01, 2023
Happy New Year 2023
by: Winston Wilson

Here's wishing you Happy New Year. Blessings to you and your family for the coming year and in the future. Looking forward to many more thoughts and information from you and your pages.

Jan 01, 2023
Let's Enjoy the Best of 2023
by: Cheri Avery Black

Thank you, Wellesley, for adding blessings to our lives and those of so many others. May we all attract abundance of health, wellness, friendship and finances in this awesome year.

Jan 01, 2023
New Year
by: Arlene

🎆Happy New Year to you and your family. May 2023 be happy, prosperous and blessed!🎆

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