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Happy New Year 2020!!!

by Wellesley Gayle

As I write, we are just hours away from a brand new year!

I am super excited but also deeply grateful, and I hope you are too!


Well first I'm alive! And in my right mind!

Some may say otherwise, but I never take those gentle heart beats lightly! Every day we wake up is a blessing! As truly, we have no control if we did or not.

I remember someone said, if you thing it's the alarm clock that wakes you up, let the master take the breath away and see if the alarm will wake you up!

That was telling!

Also I've achieved much during the last 12 months!
Baby Nylah is just one reason to celebrate :-)

Despite an up and down journey though, it has been very rewarding; To God Be The Glory!

Don't get me wrong, I am not naive, there were stumbling blocks and challenges, I can't ignore that. In fact, the residue of some still lingers.

But I consider them just that, stumbling blocks on my future (journey).

The phrase I typically use is 'Object Lessons', as there was always something to learn from those; they all come together to prepare me into a better person.

From a business perspective, I am also thankful.

As you know, I made one of the biggest decisions in my life in May 2019, when I boldly decided to leave corporate and work full time on this my web business. I announced it here.

It has been a real challenge, especially with Google choosing to decrease my traffic just when I started to see growth.

But you know what, I learned some stuff; it allowed me to make a deeper assessment on my site; a process that, among other good things, resulted in this fresh new design you are reading on :-)

And to you, and all my readers! OMG you have been awesome!

Like any other business, I've seen readers come and go, but you and many others have stuck with me right through to the end.

If fact, better than that, I have readers, like Frank, who have been with me since 2007 when I started this site!

That's not just loyalty, but love!

And even better, some have become close friends and patrons!

And with that I salute my Patrons! That's what we call them; the persons who decided to support my efforts in a tangible way...

  • Sherri Neil,
  • Art F,
  • Dr. Linda,
  • Jacqueline Cameron,
  • Sherry Baker,
  • Kelly McGouran
  • and Wayne Stewart

Also, my Site Sponsors and Associates In 2019


You my readers; In Jamaica, The US, Canada, China (yes China), Caribbean, and the rest of the world!

Nothing I've achieved was purely by self, but moreso because of the your support!

And so, as we usher in 2020, like 2020 vision (that's what my optician says about me), I pray that the blessings of improved health, finances, relationships, family, peace of mind will be pointed and aligned in your favour!

Someone said this, '365 new days ahead, 365 new opportunities!'

Let's embrace all the opportunities that 2020 will bring and with God's help, make it our best year yet!

Happy New Year!


P.S. See also: How do Jamaicans Celebrate New Years

Photo Credit: PoetryClubs

Comments for Happy New Year 2020!!!

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Jan 06, 2020
2020 is bound to be the greatest
by: Cheri Avery Black

Happy New Year to all friends of Jamaica! I look forward to what my-island-jamaica is continuing to bring to us. P.S. Wellesley, thanks for my shout-out in the recent email. You make it fun and family to support your good work! Keep it coming!

Jan 05, 2020
Brand new year ahead ...
by: Susan Wenham

Happy New Year Peace and prosperity to you all ...

Jan 01, 2020
Happy New Year to everyone.
by: Anonymous

I hope this new chapter in all our lives come with nothing but, good health, love, peace and happiness.

Jan 01, 2020
Wonderful Message Wellesley
by: Normajo

Happy New Year Blessings to you and your family Wellesley !
I love your New Year message Wellesley, it is so positive, humble and endearing.
This is the best New Year's Eve I have had in years. All because I MOVED BACK HOME TO JAMAICA!

Dec 31, 2019
Happy New Year
by: Lois

As you say so well, We are thankful and we are blessed. I am looking forward to the next year of Joy, Faith, Hope and the greatest is Love. I would like to say I wish this all for you and your family and all your wonderful readers and subscribers. May in this coming year we share our love for each other in many ways. That Gods love can be seen in all of us and to his GLORY.

Dec 31, 2019
My Jamaican Brother and Special Friend!!!
by: Frank Tatem

First let me wish you and your family a most Blessed NEW YEAR! As you know we are only passing through this life until we meet our MAKER! He walks with us through this journey every step of the way. He never leaves us and he puts us where we should be! I have been blessed over the last two years as I had cataract surgery on my right eye last year and then my left eye in October of this year which has given me 20/20 vision. I feel like the blind man in the BIBLE when JESUS gave him sight back. What a blessing!!!
We must all be THANKFUL for every day and make them
Special. That being said I wish for you the best year to come!!! I also wish you PEACE AND LOVE my Brother from another MOTHER!!!! GOD BLESS!!! I am so glad that we have reconnected. Never say goodbye, we say until we meet again!!!

Dec 31, 2019
Happy 2020
by: Sonia

God bless and continued blessing to you and your family

Dec 31, 2019
Happy New Year
by: Anonymous

Happy returns sir G.

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