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Getting Around Jamaica
Here Are Your Best Options

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Just getting around Jamaica can be quite fun and adventurous, whether you are a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or a party animal, believe me there are lots here for you. 

And these days you have even more options!

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And, if you ever need a trustworthy and knowledgeable local guide, consider booking a private tour with us!

By Local Taxis

Getting Around Jamaica by taxi

Our transportation system have come a far way. Today, the administration is tighter and we have much more (perhaps too much) taxis.

We also have many "robot" taxis. These are taxis that does not yet meet all the state requirements but still 'hustle'.

[The process of gaining approval by from the government is very cumbersome, I must admit].

Dollar for dollar though, the cost of transportation is cheap relative to, say the United States, but you may run into some taxi drivers who may want to charge a little extra if they suspect you are a tourist.

So getting around Jamaica, taxis give you a great opportunity to 'rap' with our locals and learn even more about our country.

However, I would only suggest taxis if you are familiar with the places and/or have a local friend to guide you.

If you are looking for the low-cost option that the approved shuttle/taxi provides but with an added level of security, the true Jamaican friendliness and lots of valuable insight from a local, I have a personal recommendation for you.

CLICK HERE to meet him directly. He will be happy to get back to you.

By Vehicle Rentals

vehicle rentals in jamaica -getting around jamaica

Many of our visitors choose to rent a car. Of course, this option gives you complete flexibility.

Moreover, outside of having a dedicated driver or local guide, it is perhaps the most efficient & economical way of getting around Jamaica; especially if you will be making some good 'rounds' or if you are going to be here for a few days. The car dealers are abundant too, so check around for the best price!

A little advise though, Always remember to drive on the left and watch your speed limit. The local police are merciless to a speeding motorist.

Bear in mind also that some of our taxi drivers are perhaps not as disciplined as you are familiar with, so that may take a little getting to.

You may also hear a few horns hunking and see headlights flicker ever now and then, these are some ways our drivers say 'Hi' to each other or to alert each other of the presence of police on the road. :-)

Service stations are abundant and many open 24 hours, so can always replenish your fuel. Additionally, most, if not all, accept international credit cards as well, but I would recommend you keep some local cash for this.

And by the way, many of our popular attractions are right off the main road too, so you can't miss!

By Airport Taxis

There are what we called authorized airport taxis. These are independent companies that have members forming an organization of taxi drivers that operate from the airports and cruise ports JUTA, Maxi Tours, and JCAL easily comes to mind.

They have been working in the tourism industry for years and have been very reputable.

You will notice that many of the drivers are older too and such would know the ins and out of the attractions.

They have visible desks and banners at our major airports so you can't miss them.

By Hotel Shuttle

Jamaican Local Taxis

My hotels offer shuttle service to their guests, this may be an good option for you if you will be spending much of your time in the all inclusive hotels and will only venture out every now and then.

It is more 'formal' I suppose as they will have set times to follow. Having said that though, they do take you to some of the very best places & attractions as well as for shopping.

By Premium Shuttle Service

getting around jamaica - knutsford express

This is a relatively new addition to the mix but has become increasing popular and convenient for many who wants to avoid any hustle and bustle.

There are at least two reputable companies in this space now, but the most notable is Knutsford Express. They have routes between all the key travel hubs in Jamaica, including, Montego Bay, Negril, Southcoast, Kingston, PortAntonio, Ocho Rios and Falmouth.

By Smaller Aircrafts

Getting Around: Int'l AirLink Plane

Although a small country and some better roads now, getting around Jamaica can still take a good chunk of your time.

Vacationers can however utilize Jamaica's infrastructure of airports to get across the island.

Air Jamaica Express was the main air carrier responsible for shuttling vacationers - whose concern was getting around Jamaica really fast- to their final destination but it ceased its operations in 2005.

However, travelers can still take local flights between Kingston and Montego Bay, and then enlist a charter air service to reach the nearest point to their resort.

TimAir Limited and International Air Link are two of the current companies that provides service to our airports. Here are some options.

By Boat

Getting Around Jamaica - Jamaican Glass Bottom Boat

Perhaps the ultimate adventure, is to explore Jamaica by boat! By now, you should know that in the Caribbean we have some of the best waters and conditions for water sports, and Jamaica is no different.

Getting around Jamaica by boat is easy as there are also numerous charter brokers and charter companies at your disposal. In terms of activities, you have several options from glass bottom boating to deep sea fishing.

And please don't think I am speaking only of sea activities either, we have some unique river activities as well. More about Rivers in Jamaica here.

Whatever you choice of getting around Jamaica though, do have a grand time, and please don't leave your cameras, there will be lots to see.

I have compiled a beautiful list of unique and exciting things to do, while in Jamaica. Be sure to take a look at that page.

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