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First Case Of ZikV in JA Confirmed

by Wellesley

Youth workers at the sensitisation session for Zika virus preparedness at the Jamaica Conference Centre

Youth workers at the sensitisation session for Zika virus preparedness at the Jamaica Conference Centre

The following is the report from the Ministry of Health, regarding the ZikV case that was confirmed yesterday here:

The Ministry of Health has confirmed one case of the Zika virus in Jamaica. The patient who has now recovered is a four year old child from Portmore, St. Catherine.

The child began showing symptoms on January 17, 2016 after earlier returning to Jamaica from travel to Texas in the United States.

The child was investigated at the Bustamante Hospital for Children and samples sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) for testing on January 26, 2016. The Ministry received the positive zika virus test result from CARPHA late Friday afternoon (January, 29, 2016).

The case is being investigated to determine the source of infection and the child’s parents and family have been contacted and briefed by a team from the Ministry of Health. No other family member is ill at this time.

As part of its investigations the Ministry of Health has undertaken the necessary community interventions in and around the area where the child lives to determine whether there are other cases and has heightened vector control activities.

The Minister of Health will provide a full update to the nation at a press briefing to be held on Monday, February 1, 2016.

In the meantime, the Ministry is advising persons, particularly pregnant women, to take extra precaution to prevent being bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes which transmit the Zika virus.

There is adequate medication available in the public health system at this time to treat the symptoms of Zika virus infection in the event of additional cases being identified. Source

What's your view on these developments? I welcome your comments.

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Feb 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

I've just read that the ZIK virus has been confirmed in Dallas, Tx. Seems this virus is caused from mosquitoes and/or is an STD Its' spread thru either and is spread from countries that are infected with it.
Cover up for protection from mosquitoes and the best advice for the sexually transmitted is :JUST SAY NO", or 'COVER UP"!
Just passing the alert along.

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The first U.S. case of the Zika virus has been contracted in Dallas County, local health officials said on Tuesday, adding there are no reports of the virus being locally transmitted by mosquitoes in the Texas county.

Dallas County Health and Human Services said the case in Dallas was acquired through sexual transmission, adding that it received confirmation of the infection from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
Those infected were Travelers coming back from being abroad...

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