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FireWater Spring Attraction - St. Ann, Jamaica

by Anon

FireWater Springs Jamaica

FireWater Springs Jamaica

The Healing Waters at FireWater Springs:

I travel to Jamaica very often and each time I try to visit someplace new and experience something different.

I was very excited to hear about Firewater hot Springs. This place is approx. 30 minutes from where I was staying in Ocho Rios however there is no "real" address. It is tucked away in a Rasta community located in the St. Anns area.

The story goes that a woman they call "Granny May" had a dream that led her to the healing waters. If you are fortunate to find a driver who knows about this place and will take you there then you are in for an unexpected treat.

The Firewater is a natural spring that is mixed with natural gas and sulpher. It is the sulpher that is supposed to have the healing power. I was a little disappointed at first because when we arrived I was expecting to see this beautiful waterfall or something like that, instead I just saw a little hill that lead to a box like contraption that surrounds the spring.

Inside I looked down to see a hole in the ground about the size of a kiddy pool.

I looked around and started to leave but my friend and I came to the conclusion that since we were already there we might as well just go with it.

We were instructed by one of the men to step into the spring and sit down. Once we were seated they pulled out lighters and lit the water on fire.

A towel was dipped into the water which was now heated by the fire and both men used the hot towels to massage us from head to toe.

They even reached down and grabbed handfuls of gravel and rocks which they used as a scrub.

I had a little sunburn on my shoulder so I flinched when my guy first attempted to rub gravel on my shoulder but he assured me that when he was finished I would be much happier and he was right.

When they were finished my friend and I felt wonderful! Our skin had a beautiful glow and our bodies were relaxed yet rejuvenated.

Other than a little sunburn I did not have any specific ailments so I can't speak to the how the water cures arthritis etc. but I did not have any aches or pains when it was over and my sunburn was completely gone. We gave the men approx. $40 each but I don't think there is a set price.

I would recommend visiting the springs to anyone who visits the Ocho Rios area and is like me, adventurous and loves all things Jamaica :-)

This is not something you find on any tourist excursion. This, Firewater Hot Springs attration, is a true Jamaican gem.

Editor's Note:
See also, Bubbling Spring Attraction, Jamaica.

For more on Firewater, visit

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May 24, 2016
What a man dont know he really doesnt
by: Latoya

I ama a jamaican and ddnt even know this place existed

Nov 02, 2014
Regarding FireWater
by: Maxine

Thanks for sharing your experience at the Fire Water Spring attraction in Jamaica. I will definitely seek this place out on my next visit.

Oct 10, 2012
by: Anonymous

That sounds amazing! I was there in August and wish I knew then! I must go back and experience this!!
I wonder what ailments it can help with.....
Thanks for sharing!

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