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Finding Yourself - In Living For Others


Presentation To Students At Springfield All Age School
by Wellesley Gayle

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” ~ Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein coined this popular quote well over a century ago - and I proved it yet again.

It should have been a motivational talk with the students at Springfield All Age in St. Elizabeth on their Careers' Day, me speaking to them, but I ended up feeling even more purposeful!

I've had a few speaking engagements in the past, but this was the first time I was speaking to children at this age (Age 12 and under), so it was quite special to me.


The topic of the presentation was 'How I Got Here'.

The guidance counselor of the school, who knows my humble beginnings, sees my life as a success story and thought that the students (both boys and girls) would have resonated with my youth, and hopefully it inspires them to attain their own life goals.

Well, from all indications, objectives met!

I had a brief 10 minutes or so presentation with them, and based on their engagement during the session - and later during their 'thank you' I knew I touched some lives - including the parents who visited!


For that I say, To god be the glory!

But the real fun part for me was the rap session after the lunch break!

They had several breakout sessions, including public service (uniformed groups), finance and entrepreneurship.


I was asked to rap with the older children (who are about to do the GSAT exit examination) on entrepreneurship.

(That's My Group Below)


That session was something else!

At one point I had to bring the chair almost to the middle of the students to ensure I have all their attention (I guess the few kids at the back wanted to test how patient and dynamic I was).

Long story short, I was moved by their questions and participation.

From 'how to know the type of business to get into', to 'challenges and stumbling blocks faced in business'. Thankfully I was prepared, but even more important, I related my personal experiences to them - and they loved it.

In the end I had to restrain them from getting all over me. And they begged me to come back soon.

Of course, I made time to get a quick selfie with them :-)


They also gave me a nice little certification of appreciation - very sweet!


I was pouring my life lessons into them, but was also pouring into myself, finding myself.

Mahatma Gandhi said it best, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Thanks again to Ms Stewart, Ms Coke, Rihana Samuels (the little Ms that introduced me) and the rest of the administration for inviting me, making me feel right at home, and allowing me to interact with a wonderful bunch of students.



I'm already looking forward to my next visit, but also to share my story with these, the most fertile minds.

Wellesley Gayle


P.S. By the way, this appears to be a very clean, well run school. The overseas alumni chapters I understand, does a great job helping them to maintain this noble institution. One that has produced some of Jamaica's best minds.

First published February 28 2018 | Edited March 3, 2020

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Mar 14, 2018
sringfield all age
by: Anonymous

well done. our children are still the future.

Mar 14, 2018
Bless you!
by: Marie Darlington, UK

Bless you for taking the time to totally surrender yourself to the honest time spent around these young children. As you say they are easily bored, but yet you moved into the middle of them and interacted with them, gaining their attention, In the end I bet you both learnt something from each other.

It is true, you will find yourself through interacting and being with others. Share your knowledge with them, but also learn from theirs. Only in this way can we all progress forward and learn from each other but more importantly can we help each other to progress.

Mar 14, 2018
career day at springfield primary
by: arlington bloomfield

It is always a wonderful experience to spend time with children at school.

This always if not most of the time will bring back good memories of time we spend at school in our earlier years.

It is good to hear you say that you yourself enjoy the time you spend with those little ones being filled as you filled them with words of encouragement.

I pray whatever was shared by you will find root and grow helping them face the challenges of life so their lives will blossomed into fruit of prosperity day by day.

Mar 13, 2018
Unselfish Rewards at Work.
by: Charles

Awesome!!...My Brother Gayle you keep growing in all your Adventures.The good thing I admire about you,

Its removing yourself from Center of attraction, but render to the needs of others, helping Push their dreams,hopes, and desires for the needs of future generations..Thank you Sir for exercising your Humble spirit towards others..

Sincerely, Bro. Charles Hector. USA Phoenix, Arizona👋😃

Mar 13, 2018
This is what changes the world!
by: Rob

Thank you for your inspirational service to these children and really to all of us.

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