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It's Fun, Its Educational, It's Different!
It's The Falmouth Jamaica Food Tour

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falmouth jamaica welcome signWelcome To Falmouth Jamaica

By Wellesley Gayle

It's a town with a fascinating history!

Outside of having the distinction of having the most buildings with Georgian architecture in Jamaica, it was considered, in the late 18th (early 19th century),  to be the wealthiest New World port south of Charleston in South Carolina!

It was the hub for exports of rum and sugar for close to 100 properties!

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It had several merchant stores and some of the best craftsmen were here, including goldsmiths, tinsmiths and gunsmiths.

There were hotels, carriage-makers, taverns, brothels and as much as three (3) local newspapers at one point;  the Cornwall Courier,  The Falmouth Gazette  and The Falmouth Post!

So yes, some of the wealthiest in Jamaica resided here!

After emancipation though, much changed and the town went into decline. 

That decline, many argued, continued for many years, but in 2011, perhaps in an attempt to regain its glory state, the government built the hip Falmouth Cruise Ship Port, capturing semblances of its former glory!

falmouth_jamaica_port_ship_in_dockDisney Cruise Ship in Dock

Attractions In Falmouth

And so, this has re-ignited the motivation for increased economic activity and commerce.

Today, there are several attractions, adventures and exciting things to do in an around Falmouth

One of these is the fun, exciting, and award winningFalmouth Food Tour!

I had the esteem pleasure of accompanying Janet and her team with their guests and thoroughly enjoyed it!

And guess what?

Oh yes, I have the highlights for you, in pictures, and video!

Pictures From The Falmouth Port

cruise_ship_in_dock_at_falmouth_jamaica_portThe Disney Cruise Ship At Doc In Falmouth Port
margaritaville_at_falmouth_jamaica_portMargaritaville Falmouth

Road Pics (The Falmouth Food Tour)


Food Pics  - Teaching, Quiz, Tasting, Smelling & Eating :-)

falmouth_jamaica_food_tour_fruit_tastingAssorted Fruit Tasting
falmouth_jamaica_food_tour_chocoWhat is this?
Jamaican Market Lady

Historical Sites & Landmarks

historic_falmouth_jamaica_commemorationThe Falmouth Court House
historic_falmouth_jamaica_georgian_windowsThe Georgian Architecture (Old Post Office)
historic_falmouth_jamaica_william_knibb_churchThe William Knibb Memorial Church, Falmouth Jamaica

The 19th Century Townhome


And one more thing...

Here's The Video! 

The full YouTube Video, with highlights of the Falmouth Food Tour!
Just click the PLAY button below and enjoy!

I Should Tell You!

falmouth food tour
  • The Falmouth food tour is a full walking tour, to include streets and sidewalks, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes. 

  • The tours are typically done during the height of day where it is usually warmer, it is therefore recommended that comfortable and cool clothing is worn.

    Caps and sun glasses are also recommended.

  • A bottle of water is provided for each guest but you may wish to bring extra water.

Directions To The Falmouth Court House
(The usual meeting point for the tour)

Visiting from overseas? Not familiar with the Falmouth area?
Here's a map with directions courtesy of Google Maps!

Contact Info For The Falmouth Food Tour

If you are looking to take this fun and educational tour, and require additional information, including costs and tour dates, etc., please complete the form below to directly email Janet Crick and her team. 

She will get back in touch with you shortly.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

You may also reach her at:

Address: 52-54 Hope Road, Suite 33, Kingston 6, Jamaica
Phone: (876) 586-1817; (876) 809-2668


Be sure to let her know you saw this review!

As usual, I welcome your comments (link below)

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