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Face in the Pimento Tree

by Nicole Harvey
(Ocho Rios, St. Ann, Jamaica)

Face in the Pimento Tree

Face in the Pimento Tree

Contest Entry #028 - Face in the Pimento Tree

My boss' office is located in a small cottage outside her home. One day when i was exhausted to be sitting staring on a computer screen, I took my camera and went on a break to see if i would be able to find anything exciting around her yard.

I got a few shots and decided to walk to the front of house to check out the lawn because that past weekend someone had lit a fire at the open land beside her home and the fire got out of control. The fire had actually started to burn her lawn.

Whilst I was there taking in the smell of burnt flowers, i had actually stopped by this old pimento tree that was standing with so much promise that it would make a miraculous come back and reinvent itself to once again bear fruit.

I was there admiring every section of the tree, the peeling bark, the limbs that went no where to aid in shelter when I saw a set of eyes a nose and mouth looking back at me.

At first I thought my eyes where playing tricks on me but i looked again and saw for sure that face.

I quickly took out my camera snapped photo of it as proof to show the 'face in the pimento tree' I remember thinking that it looked like a protector to my boss' property because it was facing her home and that it was angry because it came very close to being burnt as the fire actually stopped a few feet from it and the few leaves on it were scorched.

With the background of blue skies with a touch of clouds,' The Face in the Pimento Tree reminds me that even in our darkest hours there is always hope for a fresh start.

I don't have a recent photograph but now it has leaves and is flourishing.

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