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Embracing the HERB not the SO CALL"drug"

by Michele
(New York City)

As a girl growing up in Jamaica I remember days my granny would make me ganja tea to take away my coughs, fever and ear infections.

I can't say if it was the love of her hands or just the tea that made me better but for sure i was well again to run around like little girls do. So i KNOW it should be legalize and stronger laws be enforce on the import of Crack in the Island, that's causing the youth of today and even grown people to lose all sense of humanism. In the 1970s when it was been imported out of Jamaica it shouldn't have been. Lets come together and take back our Country and live by our Country's policy and don't allow outsiders to tell us what to do. If the Rastafarians found spiritual connection from it then so be it. I said Legalize, legalize and legalize Maybe the crime rate will go down when it is use instead of crack. I know too much of anything is not good for our body even water. It's not what we do that hurts us, is how much we do.

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Jan 28, 2010
I couldn't concur more!
by: Raven Maria

You bring up a very good point! =D If weed were legal, then perhaps the government would focus more on enforcing laws on the really harmful hardcore drugs like heroine, crack, meth, etc.

Who knows, legalizing marijuana may help lower crime rates drastically!

You know, in elementary school they had this anti-drug program called D.A.R.E, and I remember the instructor used to say that marijuana was a "gateway drug" that inevitably led to the gradual using of much harder substances in order to obtain that "addictive" high, but I proudly speak for myself and many of my close friends and family members when I say that NONE of us have ever wanted to try anything other than marijuana; never have, never WILL!!

As far as my experience goes, marijuana does NOT brainwash you into a ravenous drug-starved zombie.

And as for it being addictive, it can be if you let it, but it's just as easy to ignore the want to get stoned if you just keep your stash stowed away, and focus on something else. Outta sight, outta mind! =)

Don't get me wrong, D.A.R.E. was a good program. It really does heighten ones' awareness about such substances. I just really disagree with marijuana being villainized so. =( If the marijuana user is well educated about what they're using and what they should avoid, I don't see an issue in using it.

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