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Don't Legalise Marijuana In Jamaica!

by Rudolph V. Francis, J.P.
(Montego Bay, Jamaica)

The use of marijuana in Jamaica is widespread. From youths trying to be in on the crowd, to Rastas who claim they use it for religious purposes. However, it is officially an illegal substance and its use and possession is a criminal offense.

It is my view that the use of marijuana should not be legal in Jamaica.

From unofficial sources, I was advised that it has a negative mental and psychological effect on its users, and if legalized, its use can become more widespread and uncontrolled- resulting in possible mental illness to its users.

This will cause a further strain on the medical resources of our country which is already having difficulties providing suitable medical facilities for its citizens.

Legalizing marijuana will also affect our foreign relations with major players in the international community, more so the USA, one of our closest and most powerful neighbor.

The use of marijuana is illegal and if Jamaica chooses to legalize the herb it would ultimately cause a fall out which could result in economic sanctions which would definitely harm our fragile economy.

Comments for Don't Legalise Marijuana In Jamaica!

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Dec 07, 2008
by: Anonymous

your so blind.

May 20, 2008
Completely agree
by: Anonymous

Completely agree

Apr 19, 2008
Good Thoughts
by: Wellesley

Thanks for your feedback Franno!

Oct 29, 2007
You have a point!
by: Mark

If it is legal then everyone would feel it is 'free' to use now.

Nov 06, 2008
There Are Many Studies...
by: Anonymous

...out there even some done in your own country that repute the negative benefits of marijuana.

One of Jamaica's most popular citizens was Bob Marley, who is still a hero to many around the world, including the U.S. where a lot of Rasta's live now.

If it was legal it would increase your tourism and increase the profit of your economy!

And it is a religious sacrament as well as a healing herb to many, not just Rasta's and youths.

People of all ages, many religions(it was mentioned in the Bible), backgrounds, economic status and professions use marijuana for many reasons...

In the U.S. it is decriminalized in many cities and states and many more are trying to legalize it.

It would only help your economy to legalize.

Aug 07, 2008
Interfere with politics?
by: John

I'm from The United States and it is against our national heritage as a country to have such a small thing interfere with Jamaica's political standing. Home of the Free BABY.

Nov 26, 2007
It is good.
by: Anonymous

marijuana doesn't cause health problems it fixes them. i has a tumor and started smoking in the 7th grade and now its gone and my eyesight is better.

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