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Dario Shields - Ghetto Born, God Raised

by Wellesley

Dario Shields - Ghetto Born, God Raised

Dario Shields - Ghetto Born, God Raised

I had the esteemed pleasure of meeting a young man who epitomizes the youth we all envision for our Jamaica.

His name, Dario Shields.

What's special about Dario? Perhaps the title above describes him best, "Ghetto Born, God Raised".

And that's actually the title of his first book!

Yes, Dario was born in the so called Jamaican ghetto (Rose Heights, St. James) but never made his situation got the better of him.

He was determined from an early age to achieve excellence, to be the best he could be. And although not quite there, he has already been a
tremendous inspiration to other youths in his church, community which includes in smaller brother.

What's The Motivation?

His brother formed a big part of his motivation to write the book. According to Dario, "we grew up without a father and I wanted to tell him a story". He didn't want his little brother to get caught in the life of the ghetto.

Dario stated that he was simply making diary-like notes, but after about 10-12 pages, he showed one of his lecturers, who was very impressed and encouraged him to go all the way. Well, the rest, as you can see, is history.

At age 21, Dario became a published writer and is already a huge inspiration in his community, especially in church where he holds key posts in their youth departments.

About The Book

The book started with a youth who had high dreams, wanted to go to Harvard, but dropped out of school because of financial constraints. It
was then he consider living the ghetto life, with the aim of getting money to get him back on track, but was rescued by a leader in a local

That youth, by the way was Dario himself. Although fictitious characters and added 'lines' were included to enrich the reading experience, a lot of the book is actually about him.

I asked him, "What impact do you want your book to have on its readers Dario?", his response, "I'd like them to realize that it's not so much
about your setbacks in life, but more about how you comeback". He continued, "You don't always need money, you need God; trust in God, keep pushing and amazing things will happen".

Dario's book is available all over the internet but you can find it on Amazon here.

Amazon also has a Kindle Version of his book.

And by the way, during my interview with him, he had a friend, Kenneil Reid, who declared how inspired he himself was by Dario. He has already
started to prepare his own publication.

Current Projects

  • He is currently planning a youth conference, titled "You can do it!". He plans to invite other youth in and around Jamaica to present their experiences. The goal? To inspire other youth.

  • He also just recently completed writing the script for a local movie, "Breathe", which he will also be acting in.

  • In addition, he has a new novel to be published by this October called "Lean Into It".

  • "Reparation" is also on the cards. Its a local play that seeks to sensitize the youth, particularly those in St. James about the dangers
    of scamming.

Impressive, isn't it?

And by the way, he has already been featured in Jamaica's top local newspaper, The Jamaica Gleaner.

How can we help?

I posed the above question to him. His response was, "I am seeking help to get the message out". "I don't necessary need money, just help to get some connections in sponsoring some of the projects I have in mind, which is really about sensitizing Jamaican youth and exposing the rich talents I see here".


You can contact Dario directly by phone, via the various social media sites online, by email or by simply adding a comment to this post.

Phone: 876-388-6549

Dario, if you are reading this, it's an absolute honour to know you my brother. You proved to many Jamaican youth, especially the disadvantaged and sidelined, that there is hope.

Continue to be an inspiration.

Your Very truly,

P.S. Please share your thoughts, encouraging words to Dario or comments via the link below.

Comments for Dario Shields - Ghetto Born, God Raised

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Mar 17, 2013
True Jamaican.
by: Clement Keith

Very well done Dario. You are the type of person Jamaica needs, the type that inspires. Do not allow anyone to put doubt in your mind at any time. I hope that God will continue to carry you forward in the appropriate manner, for the rest of, hopefully, a long and successful life.

Mar 14, 2013
God instructs us
by: Anonymous

He says seek Him first and His righteousness and all things will de added to you. look at Jeremiah 29:11.He knows the thoughts That He thinks about you. They are good. As jamaican myself,I am very proud of you.He has began a good work in you.



I will be purchasing a copy of your book.

Thank you Wellesley for article.

Mar 13, 2013
What An Awesome God We Serve
by: Carol Clarke

Dario to God be the glory great things he has done His wonders to proclaim. I am happy that God saw a vessel he could used and that vessel is you I'm so glad you head to his call for you are a living testimony that God can reach us at any level we are in life

Mar 12, 2013
More to come...!
by: Anonymous

I feel like a proud Mama! There's more to come Dario, make sure you are prepared for it!


Mar 12, 2013
Get ready, there's more to come!
by: Anonymous

I am a proud Mama!!...and there's more to come Dario, prepare yourself for it!!

Mar 12, 2013
Humbled and Thankful
by: Dario Shields

I must say thank you for your views and comments. I am humbled by your views and thoughts of me. God really has placed a gift in me and I am heading to the 'finish line' chasing my destiny to be the best I can be. I am in a better position that many and as such I will try my best to help others to rise. If you wish, I would love for you guys to get a copy or two of the book, even if to bless someone with it. You can find it at the below link:

Thank you for this article Wellesley, truly appreciated :)

Dario Shields

And remember, its not your setbacks, its how you comeback

Mar 12, 2013
by: elizabeth colefield

You must remember a lot of people come from a ghetto of some sorts and I am encouraged by your inspiration and your ability not to let it get you down, keep on doing what you are doing, God will make a way.

Mar 12, 2013
God is able

Dario is an inspiration to ghetto youth who believe only gun run things. GOD IS bigger than LIFE he can do anything, anytime, any where.

Mar 12, 2013
kenisha`s comment
by: kenisha

I was touched by your story about how much your brother was an inspiration for you and he inspired you to do your best and accomplish your goals.And I`m touched by that

Mar 12, 2013
Well done Dario Shields, even your name gives hope! Jacqueline Grant, UK.
by: Anonymous

Well done you are an inspiration for sure...

Mar 11, 2013
Ghetto Born, God Raised
by: Janet

I know Rose Heights. And I know it very well. My husband and I have friends who live there who have made their fortune by another road - the ghetto road. But that was the road they chose.

To see someone like Dario come off the ghetto road and make his name in a more positive direction is inspirational, not only for the ghetto youths but for others as well.

Rose Heights is a dismal and poverty stricken area in St James and Dario has given hope to others who live not only in Rose Heights but also all the other ghetto areas in Jamaica.

In short, if Dario can do it - anyone can do it!
Well done Dario. You have every right to be extremely proud of your achievements.


Mar 11, 2013
Blessings Dario
by: Juanita Haynes Phillips

My God continue to bless your efforts and may you see the fruitage of your labour pay off a hundredfold. Do continue to be an inspiration to your generation and your younger brother. We are inspired by your story! Blessings!

Mar 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

Keep on in pursuit of your dreams and aspirations and the LORD will be with you!.

Mar 11, 2013
by: .Tyrone

Good to know that one from the ghetto can rise above the challenges faced in such an environment. Continue to be the inspiration and motivating force for other young men.May God continue to bless your ministry.

Mar 11, 2013
Ghetto Born- God Raised
by: Rachael Graham

I would like to send some blessings to Dario Shields
It is a good thing that we do have the Internet to share our stories, ' Others abroad would only listen to the negatives that some of the medias dish out.
Jamaica is still a beautiful place with some decent creative and positive people. All we need is UNITY & LOVE. I am PRAYING FOR THOSE WHO ARE LIVING WITH FEAR TO WAKE UP & live , It is written' An open rebuke is better that secret love.
People rebuke your family who are doing wrongs, Give praise to those who are trying to do good. Encourage the young that they will grow up to be like young Dario Shields.
All you young people out there remember this' wisdom maketh a man.
Read the book of PROVERBS you will get wise.

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