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Chicago Excursion - Oct 25, 2009

by Wellesley

Dinner at Campbell's Caribbean Cuisine in Chicago

Dinner at Campbell's Caribbean Cuisine in Chicago

This is my 3rd day in the USA on this trip.

Peter, Mary and Donovan -who are hosting me, has been making sure I don't get bored at all.

Yesterday we went to the intriguing House On The Rock Museum (that's another story), and today we went to Chicago.

The highlight of this Chicago trip was the amazing Science and Industry Museum - a truly breathtaking experience!

We viewed and explored the SMART house - an remarkable display of environment care, and energy, materials, and design efficiency.

Almost everything in or done there, is environmentally friendly!

The second leg of the tour was the intriguing OmniMax theatre presentation on The Mysteries of the Great Lakes.

The theater itself is breathtaking! The technology there is the very latest. I understand that there are only a few big cities with that level of technology so far in the USA.

Basically it makes you feel you are exactly IN the presentation or movie! Can be real scary too!

(Do some research on the IMax or OmniMax)

On the final leg we got a tour of the historic German Ship, U505 that was overpowered and captured by the US in 1944 - the second world war! You have to see this stuff to believe it!

The tour guide was equally impressive with the presentation.

Yes, this was the real ship on display and we had the tremendous opportunity to walk it and learn the entire history!

The evening climaxed with dinner at the Campbell's Caribbean Cuisine Restaurant on 1225 E 87th St, Chicago.

The food was delectable! Taste just like home food - and nuff (a lot) as well!

Tomorrow, we'll be doing some shopping, but I am already thinking that today is undoubtedly the highlight of my vacation trip. (pictures to follow)

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