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Chawlih Plays Reggae Using His Mouth As Musical Instruments

by C.E.Cross
(Washington DC, USA)

Chawlih Plays Reggae Music With His Mouth To Celebrate Jamaica's 50th.

You all will be amazed that with all the mixed-up things going on with JLP choosing a song to represent Jamaica's 50th Anniversary, only to have PNP changed it for a pop song.

But all hope is not lost: there's a new thing happening: Checkout Chawlih's debut Reggae Vocal Music single "Wi Selebraytin/Up Reggae Music" available at all major online download store now.

The say Chawlih is: King of Vocal Reggae Music.

Singer, Vocal Musician, JD & Producer Chawlih, is the man who plays reggae with his mouth to change the direction of reggae for the next 50 years at least: When you listen to the bass, guitar, horns, keyboard and percussion sounds from Chawlih's vocals, it will be hard to tell the difference between vocal and instrument.

Just type Chawlih in your browser and choose your option to listen reggae in Vocal Music. "Wi Selebraytin" is the only reggae record or CD in the world that all instrumentation are done or plated by a man's voice.

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Sep 05, 2018
Getting Back to Basics
by: Anonymous

We really need to get back to basic because a lot of what I'm hearing now certainly do not sound like reggae.

Jul 01, 2012
We need to get back Real Reggae Music On The Air
by: Rachael Graham

I would like to say Ragga is not REGGAE. Ragga is sounds which is made up by people without any true morals most of the type of music they and vocals promotes Slack attitude (verbal porno)etc,
Now Reggae is, Roots, Revival, Studio One, Rock steady,Reggae Gospel : All these I have mention is MUSIC, REAL REGGAE MUSIC. I am speaking from Experience.
Slim Smith-Bob Andy- Pat Kelly- Jimmy Clif -The Heptones -Mighty Dimond- Chevelle Franklyn -The Meditations- Jimmy London- Derrick Harriot- Bob Marley and the wailors - Judy Mowatte -Marcia Griffiths- Beris Hamond- Gregory Isaacs-Johnny Osborn-John Holt-Ken Booth- Delory Wilson-John Holt-Hopeton Lewis-Culture, The list goes on Garnette Silk etc.Real Reggae music encourage Peace &Love good living and UNITY, WE NEED TO GET BACK TO THAT KIND OF VIBE, Carline Davis,George Nooks, Dennis Brown, Ginger Williams and a whole lot of Jamaicans Living in UK, USA CANADA and other places.

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