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Bob Marleys Hes Not Perfect 
Capturing The Beauty Of Imperfect Love

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luna_sea_inn_wedding_bride_groomBob Marleys Hes Not Perfect | Capturing The Beauty Of Imperfect Love

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

While most of us, myself included, may have known Bob Marley as a musical legend, but his versatility knows no bounds. Did you know that he also wrote poems? This was certainly new information to me. This poem, He’s Not Perfect, has been a feature in many weddings.

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Bob Marley is celebrated not just here in Jamaica but worldwide as a musical icon. His songs defined reggae and inspired millions with their messages of love, resistance, and unity. But beyond the awesome music that made him a household name, his artistic talent extended into realms that many fans never expected—like poetry. Discovering that Marley penned "He's Not Perfect" feels like unearthing a hidden treasure from a man already considered a legend. Bob’s ability to capture life's complexities through music is well known, but here, without a beat, his words stand strong on their own, just as meaningful as his music.

This leads to the question: what exactly is "He's Not Perfect"? Is it a poem? A poetic statement? Or something entirely different? It may lack the traditional structure of a poem because it has no rhyme scheme but instead, it offers raw, unfiltered truth told in a beautifully candid way. It reads more like a heartfelt confession or advice whispered between friends. The lines flow naturally, carrying Marley's unmistakable voice and perspective, making it feel less like a formal piece of poetry and more like an honest reflection on love.

The Poem

He’s Not Perfect 

by Bob Marley

    He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect.
    But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can.
    He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break.
    Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect for more than he can give.
    Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had.
    Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.

Through this poem, his words cut through the typical illusion of perfection often associated with love and weddings. The fairytale, so to speak. They remind us that love isn't about flawless moments but about embracing imperfections and loving deeply despite them. It's about laughing together, arguing passionately, and missing each other's presence, the small everyday things that keep us together. 

"He's Not Perfect" by Bob Marley is a moving reminder that true love is anything but flawless. It's about accepting each other for who we are, sharing laughs and arguments, and finding happiness in the small things that make a relationship unique. Marley's remarks encapsulate the core of real love—not the kind found in fairy tales, but the kind where flaws are accepted and even cherished.

This piece is more than just a reading for special occasions; it’s a reflection on what it means to be human and in love. Whether shared between partners, friends, or anyone navigating the ups and downs of relationships, Marley's message resonates universally. It reminds us that while no one is perfect, the imperfect moments we share are what make our connections meaningful. 

In a world that often seeks the unattainable ideal, “He’s Not Perfect” speaks to the beauty of loving someone not in spite of their imperfections, but because of them. It’s a timeless lesson that transcends romantic love and speaks to the heart of all human relationships, celebrating the imperfect, everyday bonds that make life truly rich.

Thanks, Bob Marley, for another captivating piece that goes straight to the heart. Here are some other great poems by Jamaicans.

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References & Sources For Bob Marleys Hes Not Perfect

  1. Johnson, N. (2019, July 12). He’s not perfect by Bob Marley - Engaged and Ready. Engaged and Ready.
  2. Milsom, H. (2024, August 8). He’s Not Perfect Bob Marley Wedding Reading - Rock My Wedding | Rock My Wedding. Rock My Wedding.

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