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Bird with the clipped wings poem

by Grand Master Hugh Mc Donald
(Los Angeles California)

I would like to share this poem with my Jamaican friends. The professors said it is a masterpiece.


I tried to fly but it has no meaning.
Fell off the linb and lost my balance.
Ignore the cage door that was open.
My life is grim it has no purpose.

Endless summer I wachted things go by,
as if to say go spread your wings.
I have lived in this way
From day to day it is just the same.

In the winter cold I shiver,
Dreaming of better days.
Where are the large trees I once slept in, with their great majestic height.

Branches wide as airplane wings,
Leaves large as elephant ears.
In the morning crept the sun rays
reminding me now to spread my wings.

Birds are churping, silver foxes running, deers are hopping in thickets green.
Where are the freedom I once treasured?
Gone just like some flame in the wind.

Here today still here tomorrow.
My wings are clipped and I cannot fly.
In this miserable existance.
Wasted lives are here to stay.

No one remembers this little bird,
Whose wings they clipped and put in a cage.
If anyone ever takes pity on me,
And allowed me to spread my wings.

I would want to fly above the mountains
over the hills and beyond the meddows
never to return to this evil,
Blessing another day.

Grand Master Hugh Mc Donald

Jamaica and USA

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