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Best Places To Live In Kingston Jamaica

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house_for_sale_in_jamaica_bogue_village_mobay.Best Places To Live In Kingston Jamaica

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Finding a suitable place to live in Kingston can be challenging, especially if you are unfamiliar with the city. The high demand for housing in popular areas like New Kingston can make it difficult to find affordable and safe accommodations. 

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Upmarket Areas

These neighborhoods are considered the best places to live in Kingston & St. Andrew. They are home to many of Jamaica’s most influential personalities, including the Prime Minister, Andrew Holness.

  1. Norbrook: An upscale residential area known for its luxurious homes, lush greenery, and stunning mountain views. It’s close to shopping centers, schools, and recreational facilities.
  2. Cherry Gardens: This affluent neighborhood boasts beautiful homes and wellmanicured lawns. It’s peaceful and quiet, perfect for escaping the bustling city life.
  3. Jacks Hill: Offers breathtaking views of Kingston and has a tightknit community with a mix of modern and traditional homes.
  4. Barbican: Popular among young professionals and expats for its central location and vibrant atmosphere. It has a variety of restaurants, bars, and shops.
  5. Liguanea: A bustling commercial and residential hub with a mix of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. It’s also home to several embassies.
  6. Millsborough: Known for its upscale homes and quiet, leafy streets.
  7. Beverly Hills: An upscale neighborhood with luxurious homes and stunning views, home to many of Jamaica’s elite.
  8. Stony Hill: A charming hillside neighborhood with a mix of modern and traditional homes, close to schools, shopping centers, and recreational facilities.
  9. Forest Hills: Offers a serene environment with spacious homes.
  10. Manor Park: Known for its quiet streets and large homes.

Other Desirable Areas

These neighborhoods are not necessarily the best places to live in Kingston & St. Andrew but are still sought-after residential areas for first-time buyers and those looking for good locations and affordable housing.

  1. Hughenden: An affordable neighborhood with a friendly community, perfect for those on a budget.
  2. Meadowbrook: Known for its affordable housing and family-friendly atmosphere.
  3. Constant Spring: A well established residential neighborhood with excellent schools, parks, and recreational facilities.
  4. New Kingston: The city’s bustling business district with top restaurants, bars, and shops. It offers a variety of housing options, from modern apartments to upscale townhouses.
  5. Mona Heights: Close to the University of the West Indies, making it popular with students and faculty members. It’s known for its lush green spaces and peaceful atmosphere.
  6. Havendale: Offers a mix of affordable housing options and a friendly community.
  7. Papine: Another area close to the University of the West Indies, with a variety of housing options.
  8. Hope Pastures: Known for its affordable housing and family-friendly atmosphere.

Tips for Choosing a Neighborhood

When choosing a neighborhood in Kingston, consider the following factors:

  • Budget: Ensure the neighborhood fits your financial situation.
  • Lifestyle: Decide whether you want to be close to cultural attractions and nightlife or prefer a quiet residential area.
  • Commute: Choose a neighborhood with a convenient commute to work or school.
  • Safety: Research crime rates and safety records.
  • Amenities: Look for nearby shopping centers, restaurants, schools, and parks.
  • Community: Find a neighborhood with a supportive community atmosphere.

Kingston offers a diverse range of neighborhoods, each with its unique charm and appeal. From upscale communities like Norbrook and Beverly Hills to bustling hubs like New Kingston and Liguanea, there’s something for everyone in this vibrant city. Whether you’re a young professional, a family, or a retiree, you’ll find a neighborhood in Kingston that meets your needs. Use this guide as a starting point to find the perfect place to call home in Kingston & St. Andrew.

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References & Sources For Best Places To Live In Kingston Jamaica

  1. The Best Places To Live In Kingston and St Andrew. (2017, July 12). Nohuts.
  2. List, B. (2023, April 9). What are the 8 Best Neighborhoods to Live in Kingston, Jamaica? Brawta List.

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