Baby Nylah Amira Gayle Is Here!
Last week I gave you a heads up!
Well, great news!
Baby Nylah A. Gayle is here!
And yes, its a girl!
She arrived safely at approximately 2:00 pm on Wednesday, December 4th, and weighing just over 8 pounds at the Cornwall Regional Hospital here in Montego Bay!
Yes, we were hoping for a boy, but the almighty knows best! It's a huge blessing though, and she is amazingly adorable.
My wife is not quite ready for the pictures and media, so this is a soft announcement primarily to my readers and friends, I wanted to keep you in the loop.
Here (below) is a little
'preview' of her though.
I'll update this post later to include more info and pictures, when we get to settle, whew!

Before I run off though, My wife and I would like to say a huge thank you to the nurses at the CRH hospital, 4 East, who worked tirelessly, not just with my wife and child, but all the other ladies and babies considering the trying conditions, limited resources and staffing constraints.
Regardless of what many might say, these folks are amazing!
Ms Bernard, Ms Mcfarlane and Ms Murray were super helpful! Thanks also to Ms Donna Hewitt-Channer, the lead nurse for her leadership as well as the others in the delivery suite!
Thanks again ladies!
Stay tuned my friends!
Wellesley Gayle
Proud Dad Of Nylah Amira Gayle :-)
On behalf of my baby and my wife!
P.S. Special thanks also to Priscilla, Susan, Sophia, Darcy, Barbara, Normanjo and Lois for their best wishes and name suggestions.
All suggestions were factored in the pool for consideration :-)
Yesterday, January 4th, Baby Nylah turned a full month! And still healthy! Such a blessing!
She has not gotten her 6 weeks vaccinations as yet, but my wife braved it and took her to church with the family!
On our way back we stopped to take some pics at the local photo studio
but were disappointed as we were told that only one assistant was working :-(
The other, were were told was at lunch, so we needed to wait another 45 minutes or so if we intended to take family photos.
We decided against the wait, since we had other engagements, but not before I grabbed my phone (that god for that) and asked my daughter and wife to snap a few photos of me with the baby - right there.
Here are some of the pics!

By the way, this one, below, was at home, she couldn't wait to get home (apparently) for some zzzzzzzzzzz!

OMG! Can you believe that Nylah is already a year old!
Yes she is!
And not only is she healthy and happy in this challenging year, she is walking!
She started walking confidently just the day before her birthday!
We took her with her Dave & Ava cake to the beach and took some photos, here they are...

To God be the glory.