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Authentic Jamaican Soursop Juice Recipe

by Wellesley

Jamaican Soursop Juice

Jamaican Soursop Juice

Remember the good 'ole' Jamaican soursop juice?

Well, if you've ever had it the traditional Jamaican style, you would have surely remembered.

It is one of those special that you'll never forget.

Well I'm about to share it, the recipe, with you!
And it is pretty easy too... the main ingredient of course is... the soursop.

In the Jamaican culture, soursop is said to be a powerful remedy for nerves issues and is good for men sterility.

It contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2. Also, according to SFGATE:

"Practitioners of herbal medicine recommend the fruit and leaves of the soursop (graviola) tree to relieve stomach distress, fever, pain and respiratory problems such as cough and asthma, and for many other medical problems.

Soursop contains a number of natural substances that have biological activity, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

These include fatty compounds called acetogenins, especially one called annonacin, along with other compounds called quinolones, annopentocins and two alkaloids, coreximine and reticuline.

Soursop's acetogenins are the compounds that have been most studied, especially for their potential to prevent or slow the growth of cancer.

The Cancer Center also says that some compounds in soursop may be naturally antiviral and antiparasitic, and may also suppress inflammation". Ref.

It is also puported to kill cancer cells, up to 1000 times more than what can be presented by chemotherapy. Read more about Soursop

Anyway, here is the recipe (below)!

New! Here's my latest video on the amazing soursop fruit!



  • 1 large soursop
  • 4 cups cold water
  • 1/2 cup rum
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
  • 1 tin condensed milk to sweeten


  • Wash soursop
  • Peel soursop in a bowl with two cups of water
  • Mix well with hands and strain
  • Pour the remaining two cups of water to pulp, extract the remaining juice and strain.
  • Discard pulp and retain strained liquid
  • Sweeten with condensed milk.
  • Add nutmeg and rum (optional)
  • Chill and serve over crushed ice.
  • Enjoy!

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