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Pictures from my Daughter's school trip to "Animal Farm"

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This trip to Animal Farm in Hanover was worth every moment of my time, and I am positive it was the same for the other 25 or so pre-school children and their parents.

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Of course, I was a proud Dad with my daughter. I don't get a chance to spend as much time as I'd like with her at home, so I try to make it really special when I do get a little time.

Animal Farm is nestled deep in the hills of Hanover, a parish (like State) in Jamaica. The road was narrow, windy and rocky to get there, but we forgot all that when we reached.

The teacher (Aunty Corina) had briefed us that we will be seeing a few animals and herbal plants, but I never figured we would have seen the array and variety we beheld!

There were:

  • Turtles
  • Chickens/Fowls (Numerous varieties!)
  • A few Snakes (The Jamaican Boa)
  • Parrots (The Jamaican Black Billed and the Yellow Billed)
  • Turkeys,
  • Crocodiles
  • Sheep
  • Goats
  • Pigs
  • Ducks- many varieties!
  • Herbal Plants- A wide array!
  • Scores of other species of birds [Honestly, I forgot the names]
  • and of course lots of Coconuts! We were treated with fresh coconut water just before we left.

My only dissapointment was that for the first time, my camera would not function as expected, but I tried my best to take a few pictures- so I could take back to share with you.

Bear in mind too, that the animals were caged behind mesh houses (understandably) and so that did not give us a perfect shot.

Again, the quality may not be 100%, but I hope they give you an idea of our experience.


Originally Posted: May 2007

More Pictures? Go to my Jamaica Pictures Page for more

By the way, this farm, is only one of the selected places in Jamaica I recommended to you, for the top 5, plus the extended list, visit my Things to Do in Jamaica page.

Also, for more information on Plants and Animals in Jamaica, go to my Plants in Jamaica Page and my Animals in Jamaica Page from here.

So there you go again, I am reminding you that there are lots more in 'My Island Jamaica' than just the scintillating beaches and the alluring Reggae Music.

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