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Insightful Facts & Useful
Travel Information about Jamaica

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About Jamaica | Doctor's Cave BeachAbout Jamaica | Doctor's Cave Beach

Insightful Facts & Information About Jamaica by Cheri Youmans

First, bear in mind that Jamaica is one of the most beautiful places in the world. They have over two hundred miles of white sandy beaches.

There are many things that draw people to the island, our music and food for one and, of course, the sun, sand and sea.

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Many people have chosen various spots across the island for their wedding destination. Our many white sand beaches are not just for fun in the sun but have been the backdrop for many weddings over the years. 

The Seven-Mile Beach in Negril is one of the favoured beaches by visitors and natives. Jamaica’s climate is tropical and perfect for fun in the sun and romantic nights.

Not only are our beaches perfect for weddings and other joyous events, but Jamaica has turquoise waters that provide some of the best snorkelling you will find anywhere. There are many different species of tropical fish and turtles in Jamaica’s waters. Coral reefs cover the seabed. They are multi-hued and add to the beauty of the waters. 

Some of our top spots for swimming are Puerto Seco Beach, James Bond Beach, Doctor’s Cave Beach and Dolphin Cove. At Dolphin Cove, you can swim with the dolphins, view sting wrays and other exhibits, enjoy the beach or just enjoy the serenity.

If the sun, sand and sea aren’t what you love, then you will enjoy the lush vegetation filled with native plants and animals just waiting to be explored.

Jamaica has many diverse animals and thankfully none of them are venomous. So, go ahead and take a hike when you visit! There are over one hundred species of butterflies and two hundred different bird species, many of them endemic to Jamaica. I would say that some of the most beautiful parrots live in Jamaica.

Visit Blue and John Crow Mountain National Park and take a nature hike. This mountain range covers about twenty-eight miles on Jamaica’s eastern side. It is said that when the sun rises in the mountains it is truly spectacular.

There is a lot of lush vegetation and flowering plants along the trails. Some of them do not grow anywhere else. This is where the best coffee in the world, Blue Mountain Coffee, is grown..

The parish of Portland, long regarded as the most beautiful parish in Jamaica, this part of the country is largely  undisturbed. You will see Portland and enjoy its natural beauty. A laid back atmosphere with more of the real Jamaica is available for those who want a little less of the touristy experience and more of the real Jamaica. Portland is also the birthplace of Jerk Chicken and Jerk Pork, so dig into this Jamaican favourite.

The history of the country is so rich and diverse with influences from its African, European and Asian ancestors. The island was once a pirate’s paradise in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries . Many of the ships were found in the waters around Port Royal. Most are under archaeological control.

There are many other historical sites to visit around the island. Theatres, botanical gardens, mineral spas, and lots of caves are just a few of Jamaica’s attractions.

Of course, the people of Jamaica are a large part of the attraction to the island. They are laid back, fun-loving, and friendly. They will keep you entertained with stories of Jamaica and are always willing to share as much as you are willing to listen about the history and culture.

You are always invited to sing, dance and have a drink with them. Let them show you how truly amazing the island of Jamaica is.

If you want to visit Jamaica or just learn more about this jewel of the sea, visit

Posted: 20/04/2022

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References & Sources For About Jamaica

  1. Facts About Jamaica - A Interesting Profile On The Island Of Jamaica,

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