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A Generational Devastation | Hurricane Dorian Ravaged The Bahamas

You heard about the hurricane in the Bahamas right?

But did you hear the extent? Well..

I heard the news,
I saw the images
I watched the video clips!

And it is devastating!


The powerful Hurricane Dorian ravaged the islands as a lethal category 5 leaving, according to the prime minister, Hubert Minnis, a 'generational devastation'!

Several lives and assets are already lost.
In fact, at the time of my writing (1pm Sept 5), the death toll moved from 5 to 20, and there are several persons unaccounted or missing.


The fact that telecommunication is down does not help the efforts either.

According to a report from CNN, the hurricane 'parked' for over 36 hours in the Bahamas.

The Abaco Islands, which is home to approximately 1000 Jamaicans, were said to be amoung the worst hit!



Here is a video clip from CNN via

This is terrible isn't it?

And, although the hurricane has moved away on a path closer to the US, the situation remains at crisis levels. The islands remain covered with with water, making it a nightmare for local, regional and international rescue and relief efforts.


I am happy to hear that Jamaica has already stepped forward to help. This morning in a press release, our Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, reported that an advance team left this morning for the Bahamas and the full mission will arrive this evening.

Join me in prayers for our Caribbean neighbors as they go though this traumatic time.

Despite what might have been said at the political level about Bahamas not wanting to be a part of Caricom, for me, this is not a political issue, it is about the preservation of life, and human and moral support for our brothers and sisters.

I'm pretty sure that other support systems will be creating, we are standing by and will share when it is published..

The Bahamas lies 770 kilometers, on a northerly path from Jamaica and about 503 kilometers from Florida.

As usual, I welcome your comments.


Posted Sept 5 19


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Sep 09, 2019
by: Anonymous

Good Day

First of all I am devastated to see pictures and video clips of the Bahamas. Bless Jamaica for stepping in to help. I know that when we go an visit them treat us like dawg but if you know better do better and sometimes we have to put certain things aside and show that you are not like some people. Do all the good you can take no notice. The stone that the builder refuse will always be the head corner stone.

Its a shame what has happen and its going to take sometime before Bahamas can be restored back. All we can do is pray for them, and also remember those which has be lost.

Sep 06, 2019
Here we go again
by: Anonymous

Not to make light of their plight but once more storm touch them and Jamaica is among the first to reach out to assist. Then when our Nationals want to visit Dem treat us like dawg. Smh.

Sep 05, 2019
by: Nola

It could have been us. None of us is immune to these natural disasters, and I empathize with my brothers and sisters in the Bahamas.

I will continue to pray for them that, by God's grace, they will rebound in the shortest possible time.

Sep 05, 2019
by: Samuel

It's very sad and devastating to see this happening every year they got to be a solution. I can't imagine what it's like to go through life living in a place like this knowing that I'll be facing this every year in hurricane season.
I do hope that they get help to get through this until next time. The reality of this years hurricane is one nit to forget.
Words alone cannot Express the way I feel about this devastation

Sep 05, 2019
Keept the faith!
by: Wellesley

Our Prayers are with you Bahamas!

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