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2023 National Ranking Of High Schools In Jamaica

by Admin



We shared the results of the 2023 High School Rankings for Jamaica here, and gosh, it created quite a stir!

While some traditional powerhouses missed the mark, we saw some amazing improvements from others - yes post-pandemic! These movers and shakers include Calabar, JC, Belmont Academy, and Munro!

And that TOP 10? Wow, they speak volumes about those administrations.

But then again, the significant majority of the schools were not included, either because they were unable to verify results or they fell below the 50% mark.

I'd โ™ฅ love to hear from you though. Do you agree with the results? ๐Ÿค”
Do you think they represent the efforts, leadership, and potential of the schools?

Please be sure to share your feedback here.
And if you missed the 2023 full report on the ranking of high schools, please click here.

Comments for 2023 National Ranking Of High Schools In Jamaica

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Mar 19, 2024
Thanks but ,,,
by: DeeTee

Hello there,
Thanks for your rankings, which I look forward to every year. However I believe you need an editor. Next year I can do it for FREE for you. Too many grammatical errors for an article that is about education. Iโ€™m not joking.
Keep up the good work!
Kind regards,


Nov 09, 2023
Jamaica is in trouble
by: Jay

Congratulation to Immaculate, Campion, and the 4 other top tier Secondary school.
There are 161 Secondary School in Jamaica. According to this ranking only 27 schools are competent. The other 134 schools are failing. Which means that 83% of all Secondary school in Jamaica are failing .
The solution to this incompetent problem that Jamaica have is to allot an education voucher to each child ,and let the parent decide which educational institution they want to spend the voucher money with. This voucher money would incentivize private enterprise to enter the educational market in order to make a profit , and provide good education to its client.
Conclusively, the CSEC pass rate would improve dramatically.

Jul 20, 2023
by: Ryan

Watch mi school, Manchester High๐Ÿ’•

Jul 20, 2023
by: Ryan

Watch mi school, Manchester High๐Ÿ’•

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