Submit Your Written Work
(Article Or Q&A) Here
You've done your research and is confident that:
- Your submission is original and created by you (not copied),
- In good taste, legal, accurate and true,
- Non-defamatory, non-threatening, non-confidential, non-infringing of copyrights owned by others and relevant for this site.
- Is not self-promotional in nature
- Is properly formatted - with subheadings and short paragraphs for ease and reading pleasure.
- You have read, re-read and corrected any grammatical/ spelling errors.
- It has has a minimum of 450 words.
You also note that:
- reserves the right to reject your submission, or to edit/delete any parts of it that violate this Agreement, including the right to ban violators from submitting again. may also edit to improve clarity (e.g., typos).
- And certify that you have the right to submit the text and photo(s) that you are submitting.
- Your submission also signifies agreement to the above and that you agree to grant to an exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, transferable, perpetual license to publicly display your submission on Submission of photo (s) or other image (s) is on a non-exclusive basis.
- You grant the right to pursue anyone who copies your submission.
Now Submit Your Masterpiece :-)
The Secured Submission Form
You were assigned a keyword, a question or a topic to research right?
And you have re-read the guidelines above right?
Now go ahead and submit it for review and posting (below). Remember I'll send you and email when I approve it.
Articles Approved (Posted) - Ready To Be Moved