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Jamaican AllSpice/ Pimento
D' Secret To Tasty Jamaican Meals

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jamaican pimento all spice berries - riping

I am itching to tell you a little about Jamaican Allspice... the secret (if you never knew) to the unique taste of Jamaican Jerk!

New! See Video of Jamaican Allspice Production Below

Most of us locals know it as pimento. In fact, to be honest, it was only a few years ago that I realized that the dried berry is what is actually called Allspice - primarily by the US.

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jamaican allspice - dried pimento

And why is it called allspice? Of course I was curious.
I learned that it is called Allspice because its flavor suggests a blend of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Pimento trees are abundant in Jamaica but I do believe that my little childhood community, Beeston Spring has the most per square than anywhere else in Jamaica, and perhaps the world - seriously :-) !

In addition to agriculture, allspice cultivation has been the main stay of our little district for years. It still plays a vital economic role today in the community, particularly for the older folks.

By the way, we still produce the largest amount of Allspice in the world but it is said that Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and the Leeward Islands forms alternate sources.

Not only do we grow much more, ours have been considered superior because it has a higher oil content and better appearance and flavor than any other.

jamaican allspice berries on treeJamaican pimento berries on the tree, just before picking/ reaping
green jamaican allspice pimento in tubJamaican Pimento (Allspice) in tube ready to be dried in rural Jamaica

By the way, you are welcome to grab a few of our free Jamaican recipes and try your hand!

Jamaican Allspice has a clove-like aroma, while the Honduran and Guatemalan varieties have a characteristic bay rum flavor. Its heavy sweetness lends allspice a great deal of versatility.

Whole, it is used in poached fish stock, vegetable and fruit pickles, and for wild game.

Ground, it is found in spice cakes, puddings, cookies, gravies, and of course, is the key ingredient in our Jamaican Jerk dishes.

New! Watch Video - The PRECIOUS Jamaican Pimento/ AllSpice

And by the way, if you make your own barbeque sauce, it is a great secret ingredient!

New! You can now get authentic Jamaican allspice (pimento), as well as other authentic Jamaican products conveniently via my Etsy store.

Here is the link:

Take a look at this page to learn a little more about the history, other uses, and the cultivation of pimento/ allspice in Jamaica.


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