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Jamaica Bank Notes In Circulation Today


jamaica 1000 dollars bank note

jamaica 1000 dollars bank note

January 2013:

I recently announced the new Jamaica 5,000 bill in this post.

It generated a lot of interest; the latest of which was a request for me to post information on the other Jamaican bills currently in circulation.

So here it is! A summary of the current (bills) bank notes in Jamaica.

Note: Click on each thumbnail above to see a larger view of each note.

Jamaica 1000 Dollar Bank Note

THE BANK of Jamaica (BoJ) issued a new high security $1,000 bank note April 26, 2000. On the front is the portrait of the late Prime Minister of Jamaica, Michael Manley. On the reverse of the note is a view of Jamaica House, where the offices of Jamaican Prime Ministers are located.

The $1,000 note measures 145mm x 68mm and is the same size as the other notes in circulation. The predominant colours are mauve, and dark green.

Unlike the other notes issued by the Bank of Jamaica, the $1,000 note does not carry the traditional pineapple watermark but incorporates a new design watermark using the swallow tailed humming bird (doctor bird) together with a star electro motif.

There is also a gold iridescent band of butterflies on the left side of the note. Another security feature is the use of "Novel" numbering which has the serial numbers in incremental sizes. The serial numbers, printed in black, are placed vertically on the left side of the note.

The numbers are also printed horizontally in red to the right of the Jamaican coat of arms which is in the centre of the note. In the bottom right corner of the note is a large value numeral $1,000 in accentuated raised print which will allow the visually impaired to more readily distinguish between the denominations.

The note was dated 15 February 2000 and bears the signature of the Governor of the Bank of Jamaica, Derick Latibeaudiere.

Jamaica 500 Dollar Bank Note:

A the front of our $500 bill is Nanny, our only national heroine. She was a leader of the Maroons at the beginning of the 18th century and was known by both her people and the British settlers as an outstanding military leader.

At the center is the beautiful hibiscus, a tropical flower of great and universally admired beauty. Although native to Asia, Australia, the South Pacific and Hawaii, it can be found in almost every island in the Caribbean. In Jamaica, it is often referred to as 'shoe black', because the crushed flower was often used as black shoe polish. Hibiscus is a favourite fence shrub all over the island.

There are two small circles on right side of note.

The back features an old map of Jamaica highlighting Port Royal. Originally known as Cayo de Carena, Port Royal was the most important city in Jamaica in the latter half of the 17th century.

It was the haven for pirates such as Sir Henry Morgan, as well as being the island's chief trading centre for sugar, slaves and raw materials.

Jamaica 100 Dollar Bank Note:

The front of the Jamaican one-hundred dollar features Sir Donald Sangster a politician. Sir Donald made considerable contribution to the Commonwealth, race relations and the principles of parliamentary government.

The center displays a map of Jamaica & the Jacaranda plant (Jacaranda mimosifolia). The Jacaranda produces vivid lilac/purple-blue clusters of trumpet-shaped blossoms, which appear in the summer.

The ferny leaves of the tree are reminiscent of those of the mimosa, thus its botanical name. The blind features are two vertical lines on the right side of note.

At the back is a picture of the beautiful Dunn's River Falls

Jamaica 50 Dollar Bank Note:

Samuel (Sam) Sharpe is featured on the front of our one hundred dollar bill. At the center is the beautiful Morning Glory flower. Morning glory is found in the West Indies, as well as in North America, Asia and South Africa. It is a perennial climbing plant that grows up to 30 feet high.

At the back is the world-famous Doctor's Cave Beach in Montego Bay, Jamaica - was originally owned by Dr. Alexander James McCathy.

It has a vertical line on both the right and left sides of note as the blind feature.

See Also: Currency Of Jamaica

Source: BOJ

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