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Does Munro accept students during the academic school year

by Ms Grant

munro college jamaica

munro college jamaica

QUESTION about: Does Munro accept students during the academic school year

First Name: Ms Grant
E-Mail Address:
Country: United Kingdom
Enquiry/Comments: Good Day Wellesley,
Thanks for the great insights and tips on your beautiful island Jamaica.

Can you please tell me if Munro accept students during the academic school year as I would like my son to attend early in 2017 and if their entrance exam is GSAT or a school set exam and if there's a possibility of me obtaining a past paper and from where.

Also I am very surprised Munro does not have a web site on line, and if there is one I cannot find it.

ANSWER: by Wellesley, November 2016

Hi Ms Grant,
I just made contact with Munro College on your behalf and acquired some information.

The answer to the question of do they accept students during the academic year is, 'not normally'. However the administrative assistant informed me to send an application letter, detailing the circumstances via an email to the school. The email address is

Be sure to address it to the school principal or the school secretary.

Regarding the entrance exam, yes, GSAT is the typical entrance exam, but to get in during the academic year, there is usually and internal exam (independent of the GSAT exam) that would be administered by the school to your son.

She did indicate that they usually give it strong consideration if the candidate has good academic scores and has a history of good discipline.

By the way, they don't normally have past papers for GSAT exams either, that would likely be the primary shools that prepare them for it.

The school principal is Mr. Mark Smith and the Secretary is Mrs Kemtadoo. The school's phone number is 876-963-1402.

I hope this helps.

Wellesley Gayle

See also: Best Boarding School in Jamaica

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Nov 25, 2016
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your speedy reply.
I am so grateful for the Info and all the contact info aswell

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