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It might sound a bit weird, but people do find a blank map of Jamaica is quite useful, especially for educational purposes.
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This one, also called an outline map or an unlabeled map of Jamaica, is great to use by students and educators as a base for many geography activities. Students can use this map to label physical, political and other significant features of the island.
For example, it can be used to identify cities, parishes and towns as well as rivers, mountain ranges, tourist and historical attractions etc. In these cases it may be colored or labeled.
had lots of fun coloring and labeling diagrams like this during my
primary school years. By the way, I still enjoy coloring pictures- yes as
mature as I am now, or look of it :-)
Anyway, here is a little neat one!
You can save it, print it and even email it. Simply right click on the image and get all those options!
The one at the top of this page, a slightly larger one, shows some of the minor islands to the south and south east of Jamaica. The procedure remains the same, simply right click on the image to print it or save it to your computer.
Happy learning and good luck!
And more informative pages about Jamaica that might interest you:
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